40k Danger Zone
What the hell is a 40k DANGER ZONE Tournament?
Tournament Limit: 60 Players. First come, first serve so buy yo ticket, bruh.
**Well I’m glad you asked. This tournament is designed to limit cheese and highlight the different aspects of armies. Any pleb can do well with the hottest, meltiest cheese in the Meta; but are you master of your entire army?
Sweet-ass trophies for the top three generals, plus the 1st place winner is forever immortalized on our champions plaque.
3 Games, 2 hours allotted for each game.
Boards will be 4x4 with deployment of 6”.
Points: 850
Turns: 4 This is a matched play tournament.
Enhancements are allowed.
Each player is given 5 Command Points per game, but only for use with our Danger Zone Stratagems.
Characters who give extra Command Points or allows the chance for regenerating them may not use those abilities.
List Building
Any number of Characters can be taken and do not count towards the following restrictions.
1-2 Units with a Wounds Characteristic of 1 - 2
0-1 Unit with a Wounds Characteristic of 3
0-1 Unit with a Wounds Characteristic of 4 - 5
0-1 Unit with a Wounds Characteristic of 6 - 9
0-1 Unit with a Wounds Characteristic of 10 -12
0-1 Unit with a Wounds Characteristic of 13 -18
All models must come from the same codex.
No Forgeworld , Towering, Titanic, Supreme Commanders, or Epic Heroes models. Lists are capped at 60 models.
Each game will involve 5 Relic Objectives scattered on the board, which are each worth 1 point in your Command Phase and 2 points at the end of the game for whichever player has possession of them. If an objective is not carried at the end of the game, the player with the most models within 3” captures it for 1 points. Total scores will be added to find winners adding +4 points to their total for each game Won.
Troops will have Objective Secured for the purposes of objectives not held by a unit. A unit MAY hold more than 1 objective at a time.
Stratagems for this Event, you must declare the name of the Stratagem when using it:
I’m a Little Bitch 1CP: Play this after a unit of yours has been targeted by Ranged or Melee attacks but before To-Wound rolls are made. Your opponent must re-roll successful Hit rolls.
Man, I Suck At This Game 1 CP: Play this after you have rolled for Armor Saves for the selected unit; you can re-roll all of your failed Armor Saves.
Could You Please Stop Punching Me? This is All That I Have In Life 1 CP: Play this after the first Charging Unit has attacked in melee. Interrupt the order of Melee combat and activate one of your units out of turn.
This Unit Will Stop Being Cowards1 CP: Choose a unit that has to take a leadership check and this unit passes the test before a roll is made.
Didn’t Mean That 1CP: Re-roll one of your D6 results.
Relic Objectives
Picking up an objective requires a unit to be in base contact with it at the end of your movement phase. Even units that cannot normally pick up objectives may grab these (such as Flyers, etc). A model may carry more than one Objective and drops it when slain. If a model carrying one or more objectives is slain in the combat phase, the unit that killed him automatically picks up the dropped objectives. A unit may not pick up more than one objective per phase.
Units carrying objectives may not move more than 6" in any phase.
A unit carrying one or more objectives can hand them off to another friendly unit within 2” at the end of their Movement Phase.
Being in possession of one or more objectives gains the bearer and their unit the benefits written below. All benefits are accumulative and a model/unit may hold any number of objectives. While holding one or more objectives, there is no limit to your actions like a relic objective would do.
Game 1 Objective Effect will be:
5+ Invul or +1 if they already have an Invul (max of 4++)
Game 2 Objective Effect will be:
+2 Toughness
Game 3 Objective Effect will be:
6+ Feel No Pain or +1 if they already have an equivalent ability (max of 4+)
Each time a player scores VPs from objective, their opponent can deal 1 Mortal Wound to any Active Player’s units for each Objective currently controlled by the Active Player.
(Example: At the end of Josh’s turn, he currently controls 4 Objectives. His opponent Erin now has 4 Mortal Wounds to be distributed how she sees fit across his army.)